Round Robin Interview with PIXY at Otakon on July 31, 2022

On July 29, K-Pop group PIXY celebrated their first US performance at Otakon in Washington, DC. Their first single, Wings was released on February 24, 2021 and they now have three EPS: Fairy Forest Bravery, Fairy Forest Temptation, and their latest, Reborn which was released June 15 this year. Almost immediately they built a fan base called WINXY - a combination of PIXY and Wings.

At Otakon, they performed at the K-Pop concert, held two autograph sessions and a Q and A with journalist and producer Lai Frances.

I had the honor of joining a round robin interview session with them on Sunday, July 31. During the interview, PIXY talked about influences, pets, pre-performance rituals, the pandemic, and more.

PIXY's first U.S. performance at Otakan 22 on July 29, 2022

On Friday, July 29, 2022, K-pop group PIXY performed their first US show at Otakon. They opened up the concert with Rolling Quartz and AleXa to a sold out crowd.